

To submit your poster presentation successfully, familiarize yourself with essential guidelines, including format, content specifications, and deadlines, as outlined by the event organisers.


Printed posters on-site, optional E-posters online

For ISPAH 2024, the main poster presentations will be a presentation of a physical (printed) poster during one of the congress days.

Furthermore, all authors have the option to submit an E-poster that will be available via the congress website, before, during and after the congress. We had originally planned to have the E-posters displayed on digital screens during the congress as well, but the cost for this was too high.

Guidelines for preparing printed posters

  • Posters should be printed in A0 size 841 x 1189mm (width x height)
  • Poster orientation must be portrait
  • Information should be summarized using brief written statements, graphic materials, such as photographs, charts, graphs, and diagrams
  • Clear labels must be used for each section of the poster
  • Text should be of sufficient size for easy reading at a distance of 1.5 meter (minimum font size of 28-32)
  • Title must be displayed clearly on the poster and please include the names of the author(s) and the institution(s) of origin
  • Tips and tricks for creating engaging posters can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYk29tnxASs and templates here  https://osf.io/6ua4k/ – remembering your physical poster must be A0 Portrait.
  • Please try to ensure that your printed poster is recyclable.

Display and presentation of printed posters:

  • Each printed poster will be displayed during one congress day, and authors are requested to be at their poster during the breaks on that day
  • All poster-boards will display a poster-number, and authors are requested to find the board with their number to mount their poster before the first break on the day their poster is to be displayed
  • Author/s are responsible for mounting and taking down their poster at the beginning and end of the day. Mounting tape will be provided
  • Where possible, please ensure your poster is recycled. 

Guidelines for optional E-Posters to be submitted via the congress abstract system:

  • Your E-poster image should be in a standard JPEG or PNG format and no larger than 25MB in size.
  • For standard resolution, your image should be landscape 1920px by 1080px, for high-quality resolution your image should be 3840px by 2160px. We would recommend you try where possible to ensure the final image file you upload is high-quality resolution.
  • The image file will be uploaded to our event server in Paris, France so please wait until the upload progress bar has fully completed before selecting the submit option.
  • On selecting the โ€˜Submit Abstractโ€™ please wait until you can see the โ€˜Upload Successfulโ€™ message displayed.
  • Please ensure you only upload the finished and final version of the e-poster image. Once the image has been submitted, you will not have the option to resubmit.
  • E-posters will be available on the congress website from September 22 onwards.

Delegate Media Consent

ISPAH respects your privacy and is committed to using event photographs and videos responsibly. We capture media to showcase the value of our activities through various channels, such as our website, social media, and newsletters. Please review the consent details below, with the option to opt out at any time. If you would like to know more about how ISPAH responsibly manages your privacy please view our Privacy Statement.

Purpose: ISPAH would like to capture photographs and videos during the workshops for promotional and communication purposes, including sharing content on our website, social media, newsletters, and other related materials.


  • Photographs and videos may be edited and used in ISPAH publications, promotional materials, and online.
  • Your personal details (e.g., name, affiliation) will not be shared unless explicitly consented to in a separate agreement.

Opt-Out Option: You have the right to opt out at any time. Please notify the photographer or videographer at the event, and we will ensure that no images or videos of you are used

Confirmation *